Mission: Changing lives by changing behaviors in the areas of academic success, and social responsibility. This is GYO’s signature 120 day “Men-Touring” program. Our unique travel program for rising 8th through 11th grade high-school students provides access to some of the finest colleges, national monuments, and historical sites from the civil rights era. Throughout the tour, youth receive instruction on the bus (our rolling classroom) and study with peers before visiting each new venue. The Road To Success tour has traveled to 28 states during the 30 day summer travel program. At the end of each day students record their experiences in personal journals and the trip concludes with an evaluation on what they have learned.
While on The Road To Success, G.Y.O. prearranges meetings with disadvantaged youth and our students arrive bearing gifts. Our Signature Backpacks, full of school supplies, clothing, socks, pens, t-shirts, etc. are given by our youth who act as ambassadors of hope, inspiring and motivating youth who are just as they once were. After interacting with and encouraging their peers, we hug and head back on the road.
Mission: Give me a fish, I’ll eat for a day; teach me to fish and I’ll never go hungry. This program exposes elementary students to global diversity by serving lunch from the countries around the world, introducing them to the various cultures as we help them to understand the greater similarities found in the Family of Man. This program is for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Each participant experiences traveling the seven continents by tasting and sampling different foods, learning important facts, and exploring various traditions. Traveling by tasting creates a lasting impact. In addition, the youth also learn formal dining etiquette, manners, and character development as they share what they’ve learned. The Dining With The Little Ones Program culminates with a small Awards Ceremony at the end of each session at each school.
Mission: Teaching youth respect for the aging process and to “pay it forward” because the respect we show a senior today is the respect assured to us in the future. This is an exciting Community Service learning project for high school students to earn credit while encouraging and saluting senior citizens who are often without visitors or family. Visiting Senior Housing and Convalescents homes G.Y.O. also assists in developing media libraries and distributing gifts to many of these inner city locations.
Mission: To enhance and improve academic skills through the summer to keep students sharp via intensive core courses. This program includes recreation and field trips. It also prepares middle school students for G.Y.O.’s signature Road To Success summer travel program.
Mission: To provide novel methods for extending the academic success of our youth. The goal of this program is to create a smooth transition from post-secondary education into college life and the world of independence. The EAS college transition program helps students who are seeking admission into institutions of higher education. In collaboration with G.Y.O., EAS assists students with college application preparation, identifying and applying for scholarships; finalizing registration, completing financial aid applications, securing housing, and identifying community resources for further assistance. "We create a family away from home..." We also celebrate our students who are now thriving in college and setting a strong legacy for future high school and college graduates.
G.Y.O. Collaborative Partner: ALL CHILDREN ARE PRECIOUS!
All Children Are Precious! is here to “Make a Memory Make A Difference” Because there is a critical connection between encouraging memories and success in life, ACAP builds positive memories for children and youth through program classes, workshops, mentors, and out of their environment experiences, to equip them with the knowledge and ability to successfully navigate adolescence, school, college, and life.
Mission: Making Life Long Readers of youth by exposing them to current and classic age appropriate literature. This program helps students in 6th and 7th grades find enjoyment in the written word as they explore stories, characters, and life lessons found in time tested and popular books, that can be found in their school libraries. They meet and discuss their books in a fast paced, fun filled sharing environment. An opportunity for weekend travel on the “Synergy Bus” is part of G.Y.O.’s incentive for them to become Lifelong Readers.
SYNERGY BUS –G.Y.O.-Charter Service
Mission: To make affordable transportation available for the community, our youth, sponsors and supporters.
SYNERGY BUS-Teen GO CLUBS: Teen Outreach
Mission: To create good energy that will drive activities and lives toward an appreciation for the value of each young person’s life and the responsibility to make each life count. Youth travel and adventure clubs formed at the high school level, in various communities, with the goal of promoting higher learning and greater achievement while enjoying the journey to adulthood.
Mission: To provide safe, affordable shuttle service to and from activities and events for youth 13 to 17. Professional drivers enforcing safety rules, conduct, and youth dress on the bus. Available for groups of 20 to 60 students.

The idea of how a person “presents" themselves has everything to do with how they interact with non-peers in non-academic and leisure time activities. Students learn dining etiquette, networking with professionals, and the basic principles of public speaking and inter-age /non-peer acceptable modes of conduct, self-presentation and spoken communication.
Here are some examples of what we teach our students about strengthening their public speaking and presentation skills:
A program aimed towards decreasing the dropout rate and increasing the rate of students enrolling into institutions of higher learning whether it be community colleges, vocational schools, or four year universities. G.Y.O's goal is to get our youth excited about college. It can be said that many of those who have never stepped foot on a college campus are giving up on the aspiration of going to college because they feel it is unattainable. This feeling is a negative belief that has hindered our communities. Getting more students on college campuses in the southern California area will ultimately benefit the state.